Win Championships like Kawhi Leonard of the Toronto Raptors

Kawhi Leonard

NBA’s Toronto Raptors win their first Championship today since their inception in 1986 by beating the Warriors in game 6.

The series had been packed with high intense moments, but still under control with strong leadership from both teams.

How you could learn from this series and apply it to your business or work

In this short blog, I’ll discuss how one key element that is seen throughout sports and business.

That one key element is good leadership and attitude.

New to the Raptors, Kawhi Leonard had led the team to their first Championship his first year there.

Throughout the series Kawhi’s demeanor seemed not normal, almost automated and inhuman.

However odd it may seen on the media, such focus and determination is contagious.

You can take this approach with your business.

Whether you work for yourself or manage a team of employees.

If you watch the media’s reactions to Kawhis characteristics, you’ll quickly see that they are seen to be admired and respected.

People praise the idea of focused minded leaders because they deploy a sense of security.

By displaying calmness when the pressure is on helps the team focus.

Keeping Calm, and why it’s important

You’ll hear this with Kwahi, Curry and Thompson that staying confident and calm is key to making those great shots.

That doubting yourself will lead to failure.

In other words, redirecting pressure to stay focused will help achieve your goals and help you excel in your work.

By staying calm, you not only help yourself but those around you.

Your peers will appreciate and respect you more if you are able to tackle your challenges without showing fear – by staying calm and collected.

Just as you would as a parent when you face your own personal problems – you don’t let the kids worry.

How to win championships and in business

“I just kept working hard and had my mind set on this goal here,” Raptors forward and Finals MVP Kawhi Leonard said after the win. “This is what I play basketball for.”

If you know Kawhi Leonard, you’ll know that he continues to improve his game.

By learning from his mistakes.

By watching others, like Michael Jordan and mimicking their play strategies.

The same can be done with business.

Your success in your business is built on the building blocks of mistakes and failures.

Each time you fail, you’ll be one step closer to success.

By being calm, collected and determined like how Kawhi Leonard displays himself will allow you to do just that – get one step closer to success.

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