Email automation companies Mailchimp and Drip shared some important elements to writing headlines that increase open and reply rates.
If your business has any email marketing systems in place, then you’ll want to know these 3 tips to level up your email deliverability.
Research shows that subject lines that are short and simple, similar to how a friend or colleague would send you an email work the best.
Here’s what you should consider:
1. Short subject lines
The shorter the better.
The study shows that one word subject titles out perform the average email by 87%.
Can you guess why?
All lowercase subject lines also help improve this.
You’ve seen tons and tons of emails, so has everyone else.
To stand out, you’ll want to stop avoid sending emails that look too commercial.
2. Hey Jennifer > Dear Jennifer
“Hey” or “Hey Jennifer” seems much more personal. More human.
Thus, people respond better to such emails.
The more human you can craft your emails, the better.
3. Avoid adding marketing habits
Images, bullet points and long text seem like the norm when crafting a nice sales letter.
But ask yourself if it’s an absolute must?
Sure, if you’re sending over a quote email or featuring a new line of products from your store this scenario may not apply to you.
In Conclusion
If you send out emails often, think about the emails you receive that you open and the ones you avoid.
The ones you typically open and respond to are ones that are straight to the point.
You’ll open a friends or colleagues email any time.
Their email headlines are typically short and simple.
The greeting is quick and human.
They don’t include fancy email templates and imagery.
In sum, you’ll want to be concise and compile your email text as effectively as possible.